Administrative Assistant Denver | Featured Candidate

Administrative Assistant with Nonprofit Experience, Denver, CO

5 years' experience organizing campus-wide events, transcribing interviews, providing direct support, and maintaining workspaces

Candidate Profile

Colorado native originally from Parker relocated to the Denver area for school and is looking to stay with an Administrative Assistant role. Graduated from the University of Denver with a BA in Psychology and Sociology, spending a summer studying abroad in Spain. Proficient in the Spanish language. Maintained a position on the Dean’s List throughout school. 5 years’ experience working in roles ranging from Research Assistant to Client Navigator. 2 years’ direct experience working for a nonprofit. 3 years’ direct experience working in the education sector. Experience organizing campus-wide events, transcribing interviews and coding those transcriptions, completing data reduction and analysis, providing direct support to clients in person, on the phone, and via email, and utilizing exceptional interpersonal and problem-solving skills to troubleshoot and serve individualized needs. Highly organized and motivated to learn and apply new skills. Passionate about company missions and volunteer work. Types 49 WPM with excellent MS Office Skills.

To learn more about this J. Kent Candidate, call 303-777-7734

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