Marketing Coordinator | Featured Candidate

Denver Marketing Coordinator

6 yrs' experience developing marketing materials, managing client relations, creating sales presentations, media kits, & proposals

Candidate Profile

This J. Kent Staffing Candidate, with 6+ years’ experience, is seeking a full-time Marketing Coordinator position in Denver. After receiving a Bachelor of Art in English Literature, this Candidate gained valuable experience in the marketing/PR world. Previous experience includes produce, collect and analyze data to create market research reports and presentations, collate thousands of data points to ensure accurate report for the top 500 national advertisers including client proof of posting, market research, and logistics information, create and monitor budget with an emphasis on finding efficiencies develop sales tactics, proposals, and case studies for sales team, and develop and maintain relations with distribution venues, among other things.

To learn more about this J. Kent Candidate, call 303-777-7734

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