Accounts Payable Clerk Denver | Featured Candidate

Part-Time, Temporary Accounts Payable Clerk, Denver, CO

19 years' experience reconciling billing invoices, processing daily receivables, calculating all company payroll expenses, and reviewing all accounts receivable statements

Candidate Profile

Wisconsin native recently relocated to Colorado and is seeking a new role as an Accounts Payable Clerk in the Denver area. Earned a certificate in Information Technology and a certificate in Event Planning. 19 years’ experience in roles ranging from Office Administrator to Legal Assistant. Performed many HR, administrative, and accounting duties in each role. Experience working for consulting firms, law firms, and commercial companies. Experience creating an employee manual, coordinating interviews, calculating, recording and reconciling over 800 supply billing invoices, reviewing accounts receivable statements and sending out past due letters, processing daily receivables, assisting with the calculation of commission and bonus spreadsheets, and managing company payroll expenses. Skilled in Adobe Creative Suite, video editing, and website creation. Types 60 WPM with excellent MS Office skills (80% Word, 90% Excel, 83% Outlook). Above-average scores in Accounts Payable. Available to begin work immediately.

To learn more about this J. Kent Candidate, call 303-777-7734

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