Network Administrator | Featured Candidate

Denver Network Administrator

Great combination of network & IT management skills and outstanding communication and people skills - personable and friendly

Candidate Profile

Personable, articulate Network Administrator is currently Acting IT Manager for a small municipality with 300 users, but is seeking another Denver job due to upcoming marriage and relocation to the DTC area. Received a BA in General Studies in 2005, and then returned for a second Bachelor degree (awarded in 2008) in Network and Communications Management after realizing his career aspirations were in the IT arena. just completed CCNA certification. Proficient in MS Exchange, and IIS integration; all Windows client and server environments; and MS Active Directory and Group Policy configuration. Cisco configuration of routers, switches, wireless and VPN. Well groomed and professional…. will take your company’s IT department to a higher level of standards.

To learn more about this J. Kent Candidate, call 303-777-7734

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