Receptionist Denver | Featured Candidate

Receptionist, Denver, CO

3 years' experience organizing engaging events, designing & implementing marketing strategies, managing multiple projects, and providing thorough reports

Candidate Profile

Colorado native is looking for new work in the Denver area after moving down after college and is seeking a role as a Receptionist to begin her career. Graduated in June 2019 from the University of Northern Colorado with a BA in International Affairs with a focus on Political Economics and Minors in History and Economics. Can speak and understand basic Spanish. Worked through school, and was able to balance a full course load while working 25-30 hours a week. 3 years’ experience in roles ranging from Student Event Coordinator to Event Planning and Development Associate. Experience organizing engaging events which lead toa  3% enrollment growth, designing and implementing marketing strategies to publicize events and promote attendance, managing multiple projects at once, providing thorough reports, directly assisting higher-ups and executives within the company, managing a departmental budget while planning events, maintaining company schedules and calendars, and facilitating the general well-keeping of the office. Types 57 WPM with superior MS Office skills (Word 87%, Excel 87%, PowerPoint 80%).

To learn more about this J. Kent Candidate, call 303-777-7734

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