CPA with 9+ years’ experience and a Bachelor of Science in Accountancy seeks full-time position in Denver area. As a CPA in the Philippines and Colorado, Candidate has industry experience in oil & gas, mining, manufacturing, construction, distribution, healthcare, agriculture, not-for-profit, and broker dealers. As a Senior Accountant, previous background includes performing internal controls evaluation and testing in compliance with Sarbanes Oxley Act for SEC compliance of SEC companies, assisting and reviewing the 10K, 10Q and 8K filings of SEC clients, review financial statements of clients, and other duties.Technical skills with the following programs: Microsoft Office, Caseware, Quickbooks, and Prosystem Engagement. Member of Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, and The Colorado Society of Public Accountants. Candidate is looking to transfer into the private industry and is prepared to start immediately.
To learn more about this J. Kent Candidate, call 303-777-7734
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