J. Kent's Blog - Articles for Employers and Job Seekers

More on FAMLI – Who Pays the Employee (and How Much) and Any Company-Sponsored Health Insurance Benefits?

Posted by: Karen Booher on January 7th, 2024

Colorado’s Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program (FAMLI) is in full swing. Both employers and employees started contributing to the program in 2023, and employees can now apply for and take FAMLI Leave, if eligible.

There’s a lot for Colorado employers to know about FAMLI and how it works. In last month’s blog, we touched on some basics about FAMLI including what are qualified uses of FAMLI Leave, and how the claims process works.

This month, we are highlighting some other general questions and answers for Colorado employers that relate to who pays the employee’s wage and health insurance benefits when an employee is out on FAMLI Leave.

Who pays the employee’s wages when they are out on FAMLI Leave, how much do they get paid, and are FAMLI benefits subject to state and federal taxes?

Who pays the employee’s health insurance benefits during their FAMLI Leave?

Stay tuned to future blogs for more information on FAMLI

Source:  https://famli.colorado.gov

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