
J. Kent Temp Covers Two Maternity Leaves at the Same Nonprofit – 4 Years Apart!

J. Kent Temp Covers Two Maternity Leaves at the Same Nonprofit – 4 Years Apart!


Operations Specialist

Laura originally connected with J. Kent Staffing in 2015. After earning her BA in Speech & Hearing Science from The George Washington University and conducting research in the field for several years, she decided to pursue a different career path. She wanted to pair her excellent organizational and administrative skills with her industry interests – nonprofits and education.

Although ideally looking for a full-time position, Laura was open to temporary work and her J. Kent Recruiter quickly hired her for an assignment. She worked a 4 to 5-month maternity leave role as an Operations Specialist for a nonprofit that works with early childhood education. She loved the challenging administrative role and the nonprofit work environment.

When the assignment ended, she started an interim retail sales position at a high-end Denver jewelry store. She ended up enjoying the role so much that she stayed there for the next three years until the store closed its doors. So, at the end of 2019, Laura embarked on her job search once again – looking to return to another challenging administrative role.

Our nonprofit client who had Laura covering their employee’s maternity leave in 2016 learned of her availability. They requested J. Kent Staffing to hire Laura again to cover another 6-month maternity leave as Operations Specialist. Laura returned to our client’s offices in December 2019 for one more round!

Fortunately, during this pandemic, our client has been able to continue to have Laura support their operations remotely. However, her assignment is soon approaching its end.

Once again, J. Kent Staffing is assisting Laura with her full-time job search. She is currently in the interview process with another one of our nonprofit clients, as we work to connect Laura with another position that matches her skillsets and passions.

Keep Up the Good Work, Laura!

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