Code of Ethics & Good Practices

As Laid Out By The American Staffing Association (ASA)

One of the principal missions of the American Staffing Association is to encourage high standards of ethical conduct in dealings with employees, clients, and competitors. In furtherance of that mission, the ASA board of directors has adopted the following codes of ethics: a general code applicable to all staffing firms, and a separate code covering construction and other types of day labor services.

As a condition of membership in the American Staffing Association, each member pledges its support of, and adherence to, the principles and practices set forth below. ASA members acknowledge that such compliance is in the best interests of the staffing services industry, its clients, and its employees. ASA members agree to always strive:

These guidelines are subject to enforceable contracts between staffing firms and their clients, employees, and other parties, and are not intended to prohibit or discourage any other provisions or arrangements, agreeable to the parties, that achieve an orderly transfer of accounts. ASA members are encouraged, whenever feasible, to specifically address the terms and conditions relating to the transfer of accounts in written agreements with their clients.


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