If you accept a Temporary or Temp-to-Hire Assignment that results in an offer of possible Full-Time, Regular Employment to you, your obligations to J. Kent include: (i) you will remain a J. Kent Employee for up to 640 hours; (ii) you will obtain the permission of your J. Kent Staffing Manager before discussing or applying for any Full-Time, Regular Employment opportunity with a Client; and (iii) you must have your J. Kent Staffing Manager confirm to you that the Client has met all of its obligations to J. Kent before you begin Full-Time, Regular Employment with the Client.
Offers For Full-Time, Regular Employment
At the time an Assignment may result in an offer of Full-Time, Regular Employment to you, which offer you accept, the Conditions of Full-Time, Regular Employment, as described in the J. Kent Applicant/Employee Agreement, shall become immediately effective.