03. Job Site Safety Policy

Have you been injured on the job? 

If your on-the-job injury is life or limb-threatening, you must:

  1. Immediately call 911 or go to the nearest hospital emergency room and seek medical attention
  2. Report your injury if possible, or immediately have someone contact your J. Kent Staffing Staffing Manager to report the injury.

If your injury is NOT life or limb-threatening, you must:

  1. Report your injury immediately from your assignment to your J. Kent Staffing Manager.
  2. Your J. Kent Staffing Manager will immediately advise you on how to proceed.

Keeping employees safe in the workplace is J. Kent’s number one priority.  If you do incur a work-related injury or illness, it is your responsibility to report it immediately.

Mitigating Risk on the Job Site

While on assignment*, it is your responsibility to report any hazards that you see to your J. Kent Staffing Manager.  J. Kent does not want any of its employees working in a hazardous and unsafe work environment. Additionally, it is important to follow the following workplace safety rules in order to mitigate risk at your job site:

If your Client Supervisor asks you to perform tasks beyond those assigned to you by your J. Kent Staffing Manager, you need to immediately contact your J. Kent Staffing Manager and describe what new tasks and responsibilities you have been asked to perform. Your J. Kent Staffing Manager will then immediately contact its client for clarification.

Under no circumstances do we want our J. Kent Employees performing work outside their associated Workers’ Compensation Classification for insurance purposes.

* If you become injured or ill outside of the workplace, please report immediately to your J. Kent Staffing Manager so they can make the necessary scheduling adjustments.


J. Kent Staffing's Employee Handbook

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