10 Event Staff Hired for F500 Corporate Team Building Outing
10 Event Staff Hired for F500 Corporate Team Building Outing
J. Kent Event Team
J. Kent successfully staffs a variety of events year-round throughout the Denver metropolitan area. Trade shows, conventions, concerts, sporting events, fairs – and even corporate events. In this case, we hired 10 event staff to set up and run a mini-golf course for a corporate team-building outing for a Fortune 500 company headquartered in Centennial.
The qualifications for our event staff? Friendly, fun, helpful, dependable, and well-groomed candidates with excellent customer service skills.
Meet our great J. Kent Team! Pictured from left to right:
Michelle: Looking to transition her career out of interior design and into an administrative role, Michelle has been bridging the gap and gaining experience with temporary work.
Ian: Ian and his girlfriend just moved here from California. Temporary event assignments allow him to meet people and make some extra spending money, while still leaving him time to get settled in his new home and pursue his job search.
Renee: Graduated from the University of Houston with a BS in Psychology in 2011 and moved to Denver in 2018. Events keep Renee busy as she hunts for full-time work.
Sky: Earned a Cosmetology Certificate from the Aveda Institute in 2012. Event jobs supplement her income so that she can fully pursue her artistic dreams.
Michael: Originally from Ohio, Michael moved to Colorado for a change of scenery. While he actively interviews for full-time positions, event work introduces him to the area and provides extra income.
Kaitlyn: Born and raised in Kansas, Kaitlyn moved to Denver to pursue an apprenticeship with a dance company. She likes to keep busy, and event work is a fun way for her to explore Denver, meet new people, and make some extra money.
Greg: An experienced sales manager, Greg is in the interview process with a few companies for his next position. Until he finds his next role, he enjoys the flexibility of event staffing.
Meri: Recently moved to Denver from Boston with a BA in Economics. Meri works part-time and enjoys event work as it puts her positive, friendly nature to use. She always has a smile on her face!
Anna: Managing a barre studio gives Anna an irregular schedule. Event work is ideal to fill up her off-times and keep her busy!
Kelly: Currently in the process of finding a new career path after years of teaching, Kelly is exceptionally friendly and passionate about helping people. Her upbeat personality is perfect for J. Kent’s event work, where she provides excellent customer service.