One of the more interesting retained executive searches conducted by J. Kent in 2010 was a search for the pivotal position of Household Manager for a recognized, highly respected, international philanthropist.
This complex search required extensive J. Kent resources and time dedicated to interviewing the Principal, subsequently developing a comprehensive job description and a wide-spread search plan and timetable. The search from start to finish took 3 months.
J. Kent’s Search Team reviewed more than 200 applicants from throughout the country. Some exceptional and interesting talent surfaced. We were surprised when Household Managers with experience working for Hollywood’s A-List actors, international financiers and CEO’s expressed a strong interest in the Denver position. However, in the end, the talent that received the job offer was a Denver native and amateur marathon runner.
Suzanne’s 20 years of professional work experience in business operations and property management to include management of staff, human resources administration and project management, combined with a professional Household Management Certification from an international academy, impressed our client as the right talent to manage a complex household, its staff, and the estate property to include its many vendors.
Most importantly, however, Suzanne possesses what our client sought the most: discretion, loyalty, honesty, trustworthiness, the ability to respect and manage highly confidential and personal information.