It’s all about finding the right fit – for both a company and an employee. J. Kent Staffing’s long-term client promotes the export of U.S.-raised agricultural commodities to the international markets. Candidates with agricultural roots are highly sought after in this organization as they already come with a passion for the Ag industry.
For those who have traveled east on I-70 from Denver, you will know Emily’s rural hometown of Burlington – just before crossing the Kansas border. Her father is a farmer, growing corn and other products used for feed.
Emily had many hobbies and passions growing up, two of which were writing and music. She graduated from Colorado State University (CSU) in 2018 with a BA in English and, in 2021, received her MA in English from University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Emily also minored in both Spanish and Linguistics & Culture during her undergraduate studies and enjoys traveling and learning about different cultures throughout the world. She fed her music interests by playing the keyboard and singing in a band during college, where she met her husband.
After getting married in the summer of 2021, she and her husband settled in the Denver area. Not too far from her hometown – but far enough – and close to a larger city where she could start her career in written communications.
While consulting with her former Career Advisor at CSU about her difficulties finding the right job, her Advisor recommended that she try connecting with a staffing and recruiting firm. Emily took the advice and her internet research led her to where she applied for our job as a Marketing Programs/Communications Specialist at an agricultural association in downtown Denver.
The rest is history. After three successful interviews, Emily started her new job in January 2022.